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Configuration interaction ASTEROIDS INDIVIDUAL 6 HEBE Alpes Full-waveform inversion Accretion disks Hydrodynamics Adjoint state method Multifrontal method Solar wind Waveform inversion Stars activity Lithospheric Imagerie sismique Theory Methods statistical Stars fundamental parameters Non-linear inverse problem Instabilities Magnetohydrodynamics ADMM Algèbre linéaire 3D Collisional relaxation Turbulence Systèmes linéaires creux Planet-disk interactions Protoplanetary disks Tomography Local optimization Supernovae general Simulation Dynamo Frequency domain Achernar Controlled source seismology Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics Optimisation locale Methods numerical Lithosphérique Asteroid Plasmas Geophysical techniques Acceleration of particles Seismic anisotropy Parallel computation Seismic waves Compound regularization Planets and satellites detection Methane Taylor-Green Amortissement Landau Planetary systems Radiative transfer Accretion Density Amphipathic helix Seismic imaging Minor planets ArfGAP1 ASTEROIDE Approximations de rang-faible Gravitation Dipole moment surface Imagerie sismique quantitative haute résolution Inverse theory Méthodes directes Galaxy disk Problème inverse non-linéaire Computational seismology Wave propagation Ab initio intensities Planets and satellites formation Inversion de formes d'ondes Techniques photometric Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics Frequency-domain analysis Galaxy abundances Methods data analysis Surveys Circumstellar environment Densité Asteroids general 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Galaxy evolution Alps Stars atmospheres Données multicomposantes ALPS Planets and satellites dynamical evolution and stability Techniques radial velocities Stars late-type Stars abundances Tomographie multiparamètres Molecular dynamics Teleseismic Long-range interacting systems Tomographie Methods observational Télésismique Théorie

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